Sunday, February 19, 2012

Nearly Fatal Customer Service Mistakes ? Ozarks Linked ? the ...

Okay, we aren't talking about actual fatality, but there are some customer service mistakes that a business might not recover from. ?If you are in business then you owe it to yourself to avoid these hard to recover from errors before you send your clients right to your competition!

Justifying Errors
It?s okay that problems arise, everybody understands that even outstanding companies mess up from time to time.? What?s not okay is trying to justify your errors and back down a complaining customer.? The best bet is to acknowledge the problem, apologize and move on!

Skipping Apologies
Nobody likes to be wrong, but when it comes to customer service it is always best to own the mistake and apologize.? You?ll be surprised by how far a sincere apology will go to fixing hurt feelings, frustration and anger. So, if you make a mistake say that you?re very sorry and then work to fix it!

Multiple Mistakes
When you make that first mistake or a problem has been brought to your attention you probably instantly get a bit stressed. This is natural but don?t let it lead to a series of errors from which you can?t recover. Most people will easily let a single mistake slide but when a single interaction includes many problems it is different story!

You might see the underlying theme of owning your mistakes. It is impossible to avoid errors, problems and mistakes for you or your team. You can control, however, how issues are handled and that will make the most difference for your customer?s overall satisfaction!

business advice customer service

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